Doing the Impossible
"No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." (John 6:44)
"If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink." (John 7: 37)
If sinners cannot come to Jesus, due to sin's hold on the will, then why does he call and invite sinners to come to him? Is he commanding men to do what they cannot do? How then is coming to Christ possible if we cannot do it? Is it cruel of God to command men to do what he knows they cannot do? Is it true, as many affirm, that God would never do such? Is it true that God only commands men to do what they are able to do? Is obligation limited by ability?
There are several things that may be said in answer to these questions. First, most people are familiar with creditors calling upon debtors to pay their just obligations. But, many times, these debtors have lost all ability to pay. They had ability at the first, but lost it. Are they therefore excused of the debt?
Sinners obviously lose ability to fight and resist sin. Think of drug users, especially those who are addicted to narcotics. Do they not lose ability and self control when they willingly go into such sins? When they become less able to overcome, slaves to particular sins, are they less liable, less guilty, less responsible?
Sinners are cocky and highminded from the blindness of sin. They have extremely inflated views of themselves, and unrealistic appraisals of their moral and spiritual abilities. How can they be taught and shown differently? Jesus said - "with men this is impossible." (Matthew 19: 25-27)
This being the case, God calls upon sinners to do what they cannot do, not to be mean to them, but in order to demonstrate to them that they do not have the strength and ability which they falsely imagine. He must show them that they cannot save themselves by their own selves, but must depend upon the ability of another, in every respect.
They must depend on the "drawing" power of the Lord. "No one can come to me except the Father draw him." The sinner cannot initiate his own salvation and has no strength at all to save himself. He must look to the Lord and to him alone. He must look outside of self.
Sinner, are you trying to please God, to come to God, in your own power and by your own perceived virtue? Are you not tired of that way? Do you not see how that way is "impossible"? Look to God and to him alone. This is the only way to be saved.
"Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else." (Isaiah 45: 22)