Monday, May 26, 2008

Lost Souls

"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." (Luke 19: 10 NIV)

What does it mean to be "lost"? It is generally defined as "unable to find the way out." A person who is lost is unable to find his way out and also, in extreme cases, unable to be found by others. It is one of the most dreadful of positions to be in! To be lost! Especially is it so when one is lost under the worst of circumstances. To be lost in a vast wilderness, forest, or jungle! To be in such an environment without compass, chart, or survival kit, is truly a horrendous experience. To be lost with no clue of an exit to safety! Frightening for sure! To be lost and all alone at the same time! If one gets lost in a city, he can at least ask someone for directions. But, to be lost in a deserted wilderness or in a jungle without people! To be lost in the dark! To be lost in a maze! To be lost at sea!

The Lord asked Adam, after he had sinned, and after he was filled with shame and guilt, and after he saw his "nakedness" and ran away from Lord God in dread of his presence, - "where are you Adam?"

Lord God did not ask this question for information, for he is omniscient and knows all things. Rather, he had purpose in giving to Adam such a simple and yet profound interogative. It was to 1) cause Adam to consider his present state, and 2) elicit a confession from Adam concerning his present state, and of the reasons for it, and 3) cause Adam to see that he has "lost his way," and that he needs to discover a "way out" of his predicament.

A lost person must either save himself or be saved by another, someone who can go into the area where the one is lost, and find him, and lead him out to safety. In the opening verse, it is the "son of man," the Lord Jesus Christ, who as a faithful shepherd and rescuer of the lost sheep, seeks and finds those who are lost. Every earthly rescuer of the lost is but a miniature type of the great rescuer of the lost, the Lord Jesus Christ.

To be lost in sin and away from God and salvation is to be lost superlatively. In being lost a person may not only lack information of the way out, or how to escape, but he may also lack information about how he got lost in the first place. Some people become lost and are able to "retrace" their steps and thus escape being "lost." Sometimes however a person becomes lost and cannot even discern how they got there and are unable to "back-track." This person is most helpless in being lost, and such a person is typical of the lost sinner.

"My people have been lost sheep; their shepherds have led them astray and caused them to roam on the mountains. They wandered over mountain and hill and forgot their own resting place." (Jeremiah 50: 6 NIV)

In Luke chapter 15 Jesus gave three examples of how sinners are lost. First, he compares them to lost sheep that must be sought out and rescued by the shepherd. Second, he is like a lost coin that must be found. Third, he is like a lost prodigal son who has "found his way back home" from being lost in a world of sin.

In being lost in sin, sinners are pictured as "roaming" aimlessly, and "wandering" about with no sense of direction. They have "forgotten" the location of their "resting place."

A lost sinner is blind and ignorant of 1) how he became lost, and 2) how he can find his way out of his lost condition. In this condition he can either hope to be rescued by another or simply by accident make his way out.

"I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice." (Ezekiel 34: 16 NIV)

Every sinner is a lost "stray." When he is found by the shepherd (or 'cowboy'), he is rescued and brought back to the place of safety. In the above picture the lost one is viewed as being injured, thus further impeding his own efforts to rescue himself. Such a lost soul is completely helpless and totally dependent upon the rescuer for his deliverance.

"He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." (Matthew 15: 24 NIV)

"Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel." (Matthew 10: 6 NIV)

Jesus was sent to rescue the lost sheep of the house of Israel, a figurative expression to denote all the elect from among the nations. Oh what a great rescuer of the lost is Jesus! He first locates them. Then, he ministers to their needs, giving them water and food, and clothing, and binding up any wounds they have received in their lost state.

"I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands." (Psalm 119: 176 NIV)

Some people are lost and do not even realize it. Some are lost and think they are able to find their own way out and don't need anyone's help. Others, like the Psalmist, know that they are lost and helpless and cry out to the only one who is able to seek them out and find them and who is strong and well supplied enough to carry out the rescue. Such a rescuer is Jesus. He has mighty "shoulders" on which to carry the lost lambs!

Friend, do you realize that you are spiritually lost and away from your "resting place"? Do you realize that you are helpless to find your own way of escape, your own way back to God? Then, I urge you to simply do as did the Psalmist and cry out to Jesus, the one who can hear your cry for help and who has promised to come to your aid and bring you out to a place of safety. Will you cry out to him today?

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